Blogs and Research

National Gem and Jewellery Authority
Firstly the Government institute which held the responsibility of the Sri Lankan gem and jewellery industry was titled as State Gem Corporation. The institute was

A Dive into the History of the Gem Industry of Sri Lanka
Rathna Deepa~The Land of Gems Sri Lanka also known as ‘Rathna Deepa’ which means land of gems, remains one of the most important sources for

Famous Gem Cities in Sri Lanka
Gem Sightings of the Island Ratnapura Ratnapura which is known as City of Gems is one of the most popular cities in Sri Lanka. Sri

Gems of Rathna Deepa
The stones that define our history Giant of the Orient Cushion cut an impressive corn flower hued internally flawless sapphire with a weight of 466ct.

Gem and Jewellery Export
All gem and jewellery exports shall be conducted through the National Gem and Jewellery Authority. And it is essential that all shipments should be conducted

The jewellery industry in Sri Lanka
Jewellery making in Sri Lanka has been practising for centuries. Sri Lanka has gained recognition for its traditional handmade jewellery around the world. Traditional Sri